Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New Books!! Come check 'em out!!

Arts and Culture
The Dinner Party: from creation to preservation
Giotto di Bondone, 1267-1337: the renewal of painting
Lucio Fontana
Gustave Courbet, 1819-1877: the last of the Romantics
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 1780-1867
Everyday eBay: culture, collecting, and desire
The art and science of wine

Graphic Novels
Frank Miller's Sin City: That yellow bastard
Frank Miller's Sin City: A dame to kill for
Frank Miller's Sin City: The big fat kill
Bone: the dragonslayer
Bone: the great cow race
Berlin: city of stones
V for vendetta
Ghost world

Health and Medicine
American Dietetic Association complete food and nutrition guide
Anxiety disorders: everything you need to know
Cystic fibrosis: everything you need to know
Eating disorders: everything you need to know
The everything guide to careers in health care: find the job that's right for you
The complete portfolio of human anatomy and pathology [reference]

Clinical pharmacology made incredibly easy
Charting made incredibly easy
Becoming a nurse in the 21st century
Your career in nursing

Science and Mathematics
Saturn: a new view
Encyclopedia of the solar system [reference]
Exercises for the whole brain: neuron-builders to stimulate and entertain your visual, math, and executive-planning skills
God created the integers: the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history
Dangerous sea life of the west Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico: a guide for accident prevention and first aid

Religious Studies
The Dead Sea scrolls: a very short introduction
The Cambridge companion to atheism
Baptists in America

Issues and Controversies
Environmental issues in American history: a reference guide with primary documents [reference]
Love for sale: a world history of prostitution
Teen pregnancy and parenting
Alternative energy sources
Are chain stores ruining America?
Is factory farming harming America?
Hemp: a short history of the most misunderstood plant and its uses and abuses
Guarding the gates: immigration and national security
An inconvenient truth: the planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it
Agriculture's ethical horizon
Choice & coercion: birth control, sterilization, and abortion in public health and welfare
Conspiracies and secret societies: the complete dossier
"Intimate" violence against women: when spouses, partners, or lovers attack

Aviation century: World War II
Aviation century: Wings of change
Aviation century: War and Peace in the air

Dr. Dre: a biography
Arnold Schwarzenegger: a biography

Sociological Issues
From the ground up: grassroots organizations making social change
Global justice: the politics of war crimes trials
Inside the minds of serial killers: why they kill
The Che Guevara myth and the future of liberty

Literary Studies
A reader's guide to William Faulkner: the short stories
A reader's guide to William Faulkner: the novels
The Routledge dictionary of Latin quotations: the illiterati's guide to Latin maxims, mottoes, proverbs and sayings [reference]

Monday, June 18, 2007

Summer Reading

Taking the semester off? In between classes? Looking for summer vacation ideas or something fun to read? Look no further than your library!

Things to do…
Florida magnificent wilderness :state lands, parks, and natural areas
Kennedy Space Center: gateway to space
Frommer's Florida from $70 a day [electronic resource]
Cassadaga: the South's oldest spiritualist community
Ned DeLoach's diving guide to underwater Florida
Celebration, U.S.A.: living in Disney's brave new town
Famous Florida sites: Mount Royal and Crystal River

Things to see…
Florida's birds: a field guide and reference
Dolphins, whales, and manatees of Florida: a guide to sharing their world
The architecture of leisure: the Florida resort hotels of Henry Flagler and Henry Plant
A gardener's guide to Florida's native plants
Grasshoppers of Florida
Florida's fabulous insects
A field guide to Florida reptiles and amphibians
Florida butterfly gardening: a complete guide to attracting, identifying, and enjoying butterflies of the lower South [electronic resource]

Things to explore…
Florida's ghostly legends and haunted folklore
Weird Florida: your travel guide to Florida's local legends and best kept secrets
Extraordinary interpretations: Florida's self-taught artists
Cigar City mafia: a complete history of the Tampa underworld
Fossiling in Florida: a guide for diggers and divers

Things to read…
An early Florida adventure story
Pop culture Florida
An anthology of music in early Florida [electronic resource]
Art in Florida: 1564-1945