Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New Books!! Come check 'em out!!

Arts and Culture
The Dinner Party: from creation to preservation
Giotto di Bondone, 1267-1337: the renewal of painting
Lucio Fontana
Gustave Courbet, 1819-1877: the last of the Romantics
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, 1780-1867
Everyday eBay: culture, collecting, and desire
The art and science of wine

Graphic Novels
Frank Miller's Sin City: That yellow bastard
Frank Miller's Sin City: A dame to kill for
Frank Miller's Sin City: The big fat kill
Bone: the dragonslayer
Bone: the great cow race
Berlin: city of stones
V for vendetta
Ghost world

Health and Medicine
American Dietetic Association complete food and nutrition guide
Anxiety disorders: everything you need to know
Cystic fibrosis: everything you need to know
Eating disorders: everything you need to know
The everything guide to careers in health care: find the job that's right for you
The complete portfolio of human anatomy and pathology [reference]

Clinical pharmacology made incredibly easy
Charting made incredibly easy
Becoming a nurse in the 21st century
Your career in nursing

Science and Mathematics
Saturn: a new view
Encyclopedia of the solar system [reference]
Exercises for the whole brain: neuron-builders to stimulate and entertain your visual, math, and executive-planning skills
God created the integers: the mathematical breakthroughs that changed history
Dangerous sea life of the west Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico: a guide for accident prevention and first aid

Religious Studies
The Dead Sea scrolls: a very short introduction
The Cambridge companion to atheism
Baptists in America

Issues and Controversies
Environmental issues in American history: a reference guide with primary documents [reference]
Love for sale: a world history of prostitution
Teen pregnancy and parenting
Alternative energy sources
Are chain stores ruining America?
Is factory farming harming America?
Hemp: a short history of the most misunderstood plant and its uses and abuses
Guarding the gates: immigration and national security
An inconvenient truth: the planetary emergency of global warming and what we can do about it
Agriculture's ethical horizon
Choice & coercion: birth control, sterilization, and abortion in public health and welfare
Conspiracies and secret societies: the complete dossier
"Intimate" violence against women: when spouses, partners, or lovers attack

Aviation century: World War II
Aviation century: Wings of change
Aviation century: War and Peace in the air

Dr. Dre: a biography
Arnold Schwarzenegger: a biography

Sociological Issues
From the ground up: grassroots organizations making social change
Global justice: the politics of war crimes trials
Inside the minds of serial killers: why they kill
The Che Guevara myth and the future of liberty

Literary Studies
A reader's guide to William Faulkner: the short stories
A reader's guide to William Faulkner: the novels
The Routledge dictionary of Latin quotations: the illiterati's guide to Latin maxims, mottoes, proverbs and sayings [reference]

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